Melody, Joyce and myself were at attendance, with Sharon missing out due her cold. Now, Im not really into red carpet events since it always involves waiting, large loud crowds, waiting, sitting, standing and more waiting. Did i mention, i hate waiting! but i was pleasantly surprised this time around since it really didn't seem too long.
We arrived at 8:30am to wait in line with the other ticket holders. I seriously thought this would feel like a long day, but the event coordinators did a great job of making us feel comfortable.. Once we passed the security checks, we were offered breakfast (Krispy Kreme donuts) and drinks (coffee, water and soda). All of which was free and unlimited (or at least until supplies ran out)
Mel and Joycie were extremely happy and couldn't hold back their childish grins. They were of course waiting for the one, the only, Rob Pattensin.. Who?? yeah, that's what I say!! I could care less, i was there more for my Jessica Alba, but unfortunately she did not attend.. sadness!
Either way, onto the pictures..

As you can see, we were in the middle of the red carpet and in great view of all the stars..

There was media coverage everywhere, even on top of the El Capitan sign..

Here's Robin Roberts, looking very dressed down in her pre-show practice..

Things had to look perfect for the nights festivities, even Oscar himself needed a little touch up. I guess, we all have to look good from all angles.

This was my first year at the Oscar's red carpet so we got to see a lot of different shots and film crews making their pre-show announcements before the mass of guests, media and actors arrive. This was Laura (from The Insider) doing her pre-show routines surrounded by here entourage. They would use the crowd (us) to make as much noise possible to make it seem like there was a lot of hoopla going on in the background, but there really wasn't. There was one individual (part of the entourage) who was continuously jumping around, yelling and trying to get the crowd to make more noise. so it was really interesting to see what goes on in the background but after about 6 takes, the crowd started to get a little restless.

Look, it's Mario Lopez!!!

Tim Gunn (from Project Runway). So, for anybody watching, you would have possibly caught a glimpse of us in the background when Tim Gunn was interviewing the stars.. We were sitting right behind his set..

Danny Glover

Amy Adams

Anthony Hopkins

Marisa Tomei

Rob Pattensin (from far far away)

Seth Rogan

Sean Penn

More of Rob Pattensin (this is for Mel and Joycie)


Daniel Craig

Meryl Streep

Heidi Klum


BrAngelina and Slumdog cast..

Some actress (sorry, her name escapes me at the moment)


After the red carpet was over, we were invited across the street to the El Capitan theater to watch the Oscar's on the big screen.. The best part of it, we were well fed and were able to watch the show in comfortable seats.

Over all it was a great event and we had lots of fun! Next year, however, i will be working on a press pass so i can get closer to the actors and get better pictures.. This year was simply a learning experience..
The rest of the pictures can be seen on my flickr site..
Thanks for visiting!!