Today a couple of friends (Gabriel and Randy) and I went out to Silver Lake, CA (near Hollywood), to do some photowalking. Photography or photowalking always helps he relax and helps me get my mind off things so i was looking forward to shooting and letting my mind be free..
Here are some of the sights that i encountered on our walk. This was my first time to Silver Lake so i really didnt know what to expect, but it's a nice community and people sure do make use of the running path around the city and lake.

I liked how the blue sky peeked through the cross near the top of the door.

I was initially composing this picture to focus on the shadow placement of the 2305 sign, then noticed the dog (just above the 0) surveying us and making sure to keep his/her territory safe.

the great thing about photowalking is it gives me an opportunity see and visit different locations.
Thank you for visiting!
Visual Exposure